The Bubble

There is something to be aware of when reading camp updates and that is “The Bubble”.

Life is just different when it is experienced at camp. We unplug and we open up. The process is gradual; so gradual we often don’t even notice it is happening. We start to laugh at the silliest things, we delight in a short conversation, we close our eyes and lie back on soft grass and smile as a gentle breeze rustles the pine trees. We twirl, skip, roll down hills, walk arm in arm, and catch fire flies at night.

None of these things fill our days at home. I say this with a sense of deep regret… for it is that way with my family as well (and we live here). At home life is just more complicated and hectic. The computer demands our attention. Got to go to soccer practice, grab a quick bite, drop a child at play practice, get homework done, go to bed/ Repeat. To take time to sit on the grass and watch a silent moonrise just is not possible (at least that is what I tell myself). But at camp… that is different.

Here we celebrate simplicity. No electronics, lots of outside exercise, good food, friends everywhere (their job at camp is to meet one new friend every day), and the loving support of Godly counselors who care deeply about every detail.

Here we pray 6 times a day (each meal, after both assemblies, and after cabin devotions at night). This is life lived well… and the effect is amazing.

The dining hall is LOUD. As tables get to know eachother, they talk louder and louder… lots of laughter and lots of leaning forward to hear what is being said. In fact, the entire camp is full of happy sounds. Screams of delight coming from the Adventure Course, music from the pool (yes the pool is wired for sound), instructors calling out encouragement, tennis counselors feeding a hundred balls in 2 minutes (a flurry of activity that is hard to describe). Hammers clanking in the silver smith class, and the background sounds of nature (wind, birds, insects). It is a soothing music that delights the soul.

Thank you for sharing your girls. They are doing GREAT… Don’t Worry!

“But I got a sad letter”… A sad letter does not equate to a sad camper. Letters are written at Rest Hour when the girls are quiet in their beds and we hope they can enjoy a cat nap. The quiet times are the hard times; thus, thoughts turn to home twice a day (Rest Hour and bedtime). This is normal, we all feel it, we grow through it. All day long, we are fine… but given an hour of quiet and we get shaky.

If a camper is homesick, we let you know. You will get a call from your Group Leader or Laura Hollowell (Director). A homesick camper is a camper that is not adjusting to camp and needs help. We will let you know if your camper is homesick, it is important news and we need to talk through the plan to solve it. We have lots of experience with this (as you can imagine) and we are very good.

Most of the time there are reasons for feeling sad… they discover the reason, and rise above it. This is called growth! It is why you send your girls to camp, to equip them to be well adjusted children. The confidence that comes from this growth process is real gold. Value it!

Well; enough of that. I will dig up an earlier homesick post to flesh out the issue more in depth and post it later on. I just wanted everyone to know the basics.


Breakfast started with that amazing fruit bar (it really makes me proud to see the campers with bowls piled high with colorful fruit and berries… one girl had a bowl of blueberries drizzled with honey, a new one for me). Fluffy pancakes, savory sausage.

Lunch is going to be BLT sandwiches. Build your own with that lovely thick cut bacon cooked to perfection in the space ship, tangy tomatoes from a local South Carolina farm, organic lettuce, fresh baked bread. I love a good tomato sandwich. Huge salad bar too (of course). This is a great lunch for a hot day!

A great visit today from a camper from the 80’s. Her first visit back in 17 years, bringing her daughter for a tour. Third generation camper… neat.

First rest hour rain shower… a light rain falling, drops the temperature 15 degrees and we all fall asleep. Neat.
